
​Katy Perry turns out to be a dude!

Published by Gordon Weller GIA GG on 26th Nov 2016

No, not Katy Perry the singer! I don’t believe even on her worst day could she pass for a guy. This blog is about her namesake, Katy Perry the chicken.

The rest of the story.

Earlier this year, three of our granddaughters asked their parents to let them raise chickens. The urban area where they live is zoned to allow residents to raise small family flocks. A number of neighbors raise chickens for eggs, which spawned their interest. Caring for chickens is a significant commitment, but one which teaches responsibility, so our daughter and son-in-law decided to let them have a go at it.

They purchased a variety of chicken breeds, but really wanted a type known as an Easter Egger because they lay eggs that are not the typical brown or white. Instead, they lay green, blue, aqua, olive and sometimes even pink eggs. They lay almost as many colors as Katy Perry sports hair colors. Unfortunately, the chick supplier was out of Easter Eggers at the time, so the girls picked six other types. About a month later, the store received some Easter Egger chicks and they got 2, bringing their flock to 8.

Of course, our granddaughters couldn’t own an animal without naming it, so, the chicks received names such as Elizabeth, Anne, Cinnamon, Lucy, etc.; however, they saved a special name for one of the Easter Eggers. The 3 girls are huge Katy Perry fans. They love to listen to and perform her songs, complete with cheerleader’s colored pom-poms as wigs. Our daughter even took them to one of her concerts last year. Katy Perry became not only their favorite singer, but also their favorite hen. Here she is in all her glory.


A hen must be at least 6 months old before she's able to lay eggs, so the expectation was the first 6 chickens would start laying in August, and the Easter Eggers, Katy Perry and Bear, would deliver in September. The chickens were ‘Hot n Cold’ when it came to laying eggs. When August rolled around, the original six hens began laying on schedule. September came and went with no eggs from Bear and Katy Perry. The girls kept hoping the other six hens would show the Easter Eggers ‘This is How We Do’ it! Every day they would check the coop wondering what color egg Katy Perry would deliver, and every day they left not knowing.

Recently, at dawn, the family was awakened by a commotion louder than a “Firework’. They were ‘Wide Awake’ and confused about the racket coming from their back yard. They discovered, much to their shock, that Katy Perry was crowing. It turned out Katy wasn’t one of the ‘California Gurls’, she’s a rooster! Since only ‘in another life I would be your girl’ (lyric from ‘The One That Got Away’), Katy was re-named Caitlyn Jenner and moved to a farm, as the zoning ordinance only allows hens, not roosters. Besides, Caitlyn didn't just crow at sunrise, he crowed all day and 8 chickens are plenty. The next mystery? Will Bear ‘Rise’ to the occasion and lay eggs?

Hopefully, the real Katy Perry isn’t too disappointed she no longer has a poultry namesake to ‘Roar’ about. If the disappointment is too great, we have jewelry fit for a rock star to boost her spirits, I’m happy to loan her a piece of our jewelry to wear ‘Unconditionally’. So, Katy Perry, if you’re out there and interested in bringing some additional color into your life, feel free to check out our jewelry options at and have your people contact us.