
Contact Us

We are available between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm central time zone Monday through Friday. For more personalized service, please set up an appointment to discuss any questions you may have. This can be handled in a number of ways:

  • Leave a message on our voice mail. Unless we've spoken with you before, your call will go to voice mail. Our phone number is strategically located throughout the site in the main header and footer. A phone icon is also conveniently located on Product Detail pages. You can click on 812-202-2143 to leave a message right now.
  • Email us at or from the envelope icon on the Product Detail pages.
  • If the above links or icons don’t work on your particular device, please enter our phone number 1-812-202-2143 manually or copy and paste the above email address into your personal email account.

Please indicate your specific area of interest and the best times and method of responding; return email or phone call.

Want to find out how to order our products or the available payment options? Click HERE to be taken to the Customer Service page and scroll down the Index to Order Placement, Payment Methods and more. While on the Customer Service page, we strongly urge you familiarize yourself with all our Terms of Sale.

We can also be reached by mail, as follows:

100 East Fine Jewelry
PO Box 4129
Evansville, Indiana